Singing Guide: Ted Thurston

Singing Guide: Ted Thurston

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Vocal technique:

  1. Breathing technique: Ted Thurston's singing style is heavily reliant on his breathing technique, which allows him to hit those high falsetto notes. Our breathing basics article can help you master breathing techniques that are essential when trying to hit high notes.
  2. Vibrato: Ted Thurston's vibrato is something that many singers admire. Our guide on singing with vibrato may help you improve your technique.
  3. Articulation: Ted Thurston's unique articulation technique is also something that contributes to his distinctive voice. The finger bite exercise is useful for improving your articulation.
  4. Falsetto: Ted Thurston is known for his swooping falsetto notes that give his music an ethereal quality. The chest voice-explained video from the resources will give you more information that you need to know about using the falsetto voice.
  5. Open mouth and throat: Ted Thurston's singing style is also reliant on having an open mouth and throat. Our article on why to open mouth and throat while singing can give you tips to achieve this.

Songs to showcase your range:

  1. "A Boy Like Me": This song is perfect to showcase your falsetto range.
  2. "October": This song from Ted Thurston's first album, "It's a Love Story," has a great mix of falsetto and chest voice throughout the song.
  3. "Faded": Faded is technically a challenging song, but with those swooping falsetto notes, it is perfect for showcasing your range.

Practical advice and resources:

  1. Warm-ups: The three-minute warm-up exercise is a perfect start to get your vocal cords moving.
  2. Education: Singing Carrots provides a comprehensive educational course for beginners, which might be just what you need to improve your singing.
  3. Pitch training game: The pitch training game is a useful tool that can help you develop your pitch accuracy.
  4. Vocal range test: The vocal range test will help you determine your vocal range and learn the famous singers who share it.
  5. Song search: The song search tool will help you find songs that match your vocal range and your preferred difficulty level and genre.

With the above resources, you can start taking the necessary steps to learn how to sing like Ted Thurston.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.